A doodle of people enjoying the park by taking their dog for a walk, running, playing basketball, strolling through the trees, using handicapped-accessible equipment, playing tennis, or enjoying the scenery while sitting on a bench.

Ballot Language

Here's what to look for on the ballot in November.

"City Parks Funding"

“For ratification of the establishment of a dedicated public “Park Fund” program that will provide funds to improve and develop neighborhood parks, walking and hiking trails, nature parks, bike trails, swimming pools, playgrounds, dog parks, recreational facilities, and other related facilities for children, adults, families, and seniors to be financed by the levy of an additional two and one-quarter cents ($0.0225) per one hundred dollars ($100) on all taxable real property, effective January 1, 2025?”

Mark “FOR” on your ballot to vote Yes For Parks!

A girl enjoying playground equipment juxtaposed with two people having a picnic at a table in the park.